鸿成达厂家定制不锈钢推车 工具车手推车 非标定做手推车 不锈钢产品特点 Stainlness steel products characteristics 1.不锈钢材表面质量好,棒材表面均无砂眼及黑点,直线度优良; 2.材料化学成分稳定均匀,偏差小,钢质纯净; 3.S、P、N等有害元素和夹杂物含量低; 4.适合无尘及净化车间使用; 5.材料硬度高,产品结实牢固耐用。 1. The surface quality of stainless steel is good, rod surface are no sand and black spots , and the straightness is excellent; 2. The chemical composition of the material is stable and uniform, deviation is small, steel pure;3. S, P, N and other harmful elements and inclusions are low; 4. Suitable for dust-free and purification workshops use;5. High hardness of the material, the product is strong and durable.